Tell us about your gymnastics experience

Anna RobertsonShaping Gymnastics

If you have participated in gymnastics this year, we would like to hear about your experience.

Delivered by an independent research company through Sport NZ, our voice of participant survey aims to help us and your club understand what is working well and not so well, and to identify areas that need more focus to enable us to better meet the needs of participants.

The survey will take around 15 minutes. If you have a child under 14 who participates in gymnastics, you can complete the survey with them or on their behalf (you will find questions near the beginning of the survey to clarify this and be directed to the correct version of the survey). We ask children 14 years and over to complete the survey themselves.

By completing this survey, you will go into the draw to win one of five $200 prezzie cards. The survey is open until Friday 20 October.

Please note, this survey has been designed as a cross-sport research programme to enable benchmarking across all clubs and sporting organisations, therefore, some of the terminology may not be directly applicable to your sport.

Sport NZ is carrying out this research with the support of InMoment, an independent research company. Your anonymity and confidentiality will be strictly protected. The results will not be reported in a way that will allow you (or your child) to be individually identified.

Please email if you have any difficulties accessing the survey.

We thank you in advance for your participation.

Ngā mihi,

Gymnastics New Zealand and Sport New Zealand